Use "squeal|squealed|squealing|squeals" in a sentence

1. The pigs were squealing.

2. He squealed like a pig.

3. She squealed with delight as she recognised him instantly.

4. Stop your squealing, you dunghill rat.

5. * His daughter squealing in my grasp *

6. She gave a little squeal of delight.

7. The car squealed to a halt.

8. They drove off, tyres squealing.

9. There were squeals of excitement from the children.

10. Claire is almost squealing with happiness.

11. The pig rose squealing and bolted.

12. She braked suddenly, her tyres squealing in protest.

13. There was a squeal of brakes.

14. She gave a squeal of laughter.

15. He heard them squealing with delight.

16. The children gave a squeal of fright.

17. Athelstan heard Lady Maude squeal with pleasure.

18. Oh, stop your squealing, you little baby.

19. He stopped with a squeal of brakes.

20. One of her sisterhood lugged me squealing into life.

21. Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard.

22. The children flung themselves at him, squealing with joy.

23. 17 The children gave a squeal of fright.

24. I heard a girl squeal in that room.

25. Despite the squeal she didn't seem particularly upset.

26. Her eyes widened with the squeal of brakes.

27. Little Percy calls his aunt and squeals like a schoolroom sissy.

28. She giggles and squeals, and gives herself these big, wet kisses.

29. Erik collapsed into giggles and squeals as Penny began tickling him.

30. But when you get them talking, they squeal.

31. Pigs were grunting and squealing in the farm.

32. The car stopped with a squeal of brakes.

33. Asian Cocksucker moans and squeals while getting her muff worked 05:00

34. 2 She squealed like a tabby cat beneath the lecherous neighbourhood tom.

35. The door was slammed closed with an awful squealing noise.

36. Couple shots around their feet, they'll run off like squealing pigs.

37. The tyres squeal like piglets around endless upward spirals.

38. He squeals and reaches for the book every time he sees it .

39. 19 Trumpets sounded, drums beat, whips cracked, mules squealed, and teamsters cursed.

40. Suddenly there was a bump and an awful squeal.

41. This time, though, her moan was more of a squeal.

42. I say[sentence dictionary], my voice coming out a squeal.

43. 19 A hog in a headscarf squealed as she cleaved its skull with her axe.

44. With that, she backed down the driveway and was off, squealing rubber.

45. This truck has Asqueal that sounds just like abelt squeal

46. That was what she sounded like to me, like a woman squealing.

47. 24 Victoria squealed in delight as Stephen caught the erupting bubbles in three tall tulip glasses.

48. Just packed up your bags, slammed the doors, squealed the tyres and just drove off.

49. Far below, the railroad yard squealed, a small busy blotch on the ancient silent desert.

50. The goat and Loki drew one another back and forth, both squealing loudly.

51. The cowgirl was apparently popular, for little squeals of delight from females went up instantly at her entrance.

52. When Proctor brings Mary Warren to squeal the Accusals were prevarications

53. Then he gave a silly little squeal followed by a whimper.

54. Three of you ought to be sufficient to make lady piggy squeal.

55. When you stop and he gets out, young women squeal with glee.

56. The rat squealed as he bit into it, squirming wildly in his hands.

57. At the release of confetti, the Bikinied- and bathing-suited horde splashed into the water, emitting squeals and screams

58. Squealing Brakes could be perfectly normal, or often times indicate a bigger problem

59. At the far end of the counter a stool turned with a squeal.

60. Check out Squeal Beblubber Loss Of Consciousness by Alexia Crocker on Amazon Music

61. When the red-haired soldier yanked Parslina by the tail, we booed, and Parslina squealed pathetically.

62. A hog in a headscarf squealed as she cleaved its skull with her axe.

63. Curled horns were a rare reward from the Squeal of Fortune daily event

64. 29 When you stop and he gets out, young women squeal with glee.

65. The threat of further changes in the education system is making teachers squeal.

66. Then they returned to their showy vehicles and went racing away with squealing tyres.

67. If I was 12 years old I'd be squealing in the stalls as well.

68. Their high voices squealing with delight when Carla mispronounced some word they coaxed her to repeat.

69. It lost speed and pulled up outside the kiosk with a squeal of brakes.

70. Synonyms for Creaked include ground, grinded, grated, screeched, squealed, rasped, scraped, squeaked, groaned and jarred

71. I'm getting an earache and I know he's just gonna let his ass squeal.

72. This elicited squeals, laughter and elaborate pay-back schemes, all tolerated only as long as the work continued smoothly.

73. Hell, those goons were in complete charge, with their car caravans, squealing their tires around, intimidating people.

74. They tell me your son... squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross.

75. I had completely forgotten Karen until her squeal of laughter reminded me of the answer to Alison's question.

76. 15 synonyms for Creak: squeak, grind, scrape, groan, grate, screech, squeal, scratch, rasp, Creaking, sCreak

77. I don't want to kill them As long as they don't eat the crops. [ Pig Squealing ] Brought the hog.

78. Then she flung herself on to his stomach, squealing with delight, and he began to tickle her.

79. He was promptly knocked over as Yoda's hover chair, with young Luke squealing gleefully, raced passed.

80. I remember squealing as we watch the black monster twitch its claws on the scullery floor.